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Welcome to Shri Navagraha Devasthanam of North America Inc.
Navagrahas refer to the nine celestial bodies in Cosmos that are said influence the life of people on earth. They are respectively Ravi (Sun), Chandra (Moon), Angharakha (Mars), Budha (Mercury), Guru (Jupiter), Sukra (Venus), Sani (Shri Saneeswara (Lord of Saturn)), Rahu and Ketu, which are respectively the invisible North and South Nodes of the moon. Some interpret these bodies as Neptune and Pluto. The Science of Astrology predicts the life progress of individuals on earth, depending on the position of the celestial bodies in the Cosmos at the time of birth of the individual. These celestial bodies, particularly the Sun and Moon, have profound influence on the climate of different geographical regions of the world. It is for these reasons they are worshiped by Hindus during various religious rituals. In Hindu religion and
mythology, the nine planets occupy an important role. The planet deities are referred to as the NAVAGRAHA and are suppose to have a significant impact on the lives of individual. A Hindu adorns these planets as deities so they may bring peace, harmony & Prosperity into their life and to avert any mishap. NAVA means nine. GRAHA means planet.
Shri Saneeswara (Lord of Saturn):
Of the planets in our solar system visible to the naked eye, Saturn is arguably the most spectacular. It’s very visible rings distinguish it from the other planets and give it a unique beauty. So why is this magnificent planet considered to be the supreme ‘terrifier’ and feared by those who see him coming? In reality Shri Saneeswara (Lord of Saturn), like all the planets, has a function and a purpose. On exploring the mythology of Shri Saneeswara (Lord of Saturn) and his function in astrology, shows that he is, in reality, not the villain he is portrayed to be. In fact, he is one of the truest friends and a magnificent teacher a person could have.
Shri Saneeswara (Lord of Saturn) represents discipline, responsibility, honor, and integrity, boundaries, limits, structure, among other things. His rings are symbolic of those limits, forming a band around the planet, symbolic of the iron band we form around ourselves as a result of our actions, our karma. Shri Saneeswara (Lord of Saturn) is in fact a true cleanser in one’s life. Shri Saneeswara (Lord of Saturn) represents the material plane. In astrology he has the ability to crystallize things into a physical reality.
In the book The Greatness of Shri Saneeswara (Lord of Saturn), Dr. Robert Svoboda says, “If pleased he will give you a kingdom, His grace makes you happy, while his wrath will so thoroughly ruins you that you are completely forgotten in the human world.”
To his own Guru, Shri Saneeswara (Lord of Saturn) promised, “O Guru! Anyone who is free from arrogance has nothing to fear from me, but everyone who harbors arrogance within will have to suffer”
Shri Saneeswara (Lord of Saturn) (Shani) as “the planet in charge of fate, which forces you to experience your karmas whether you want to or not”. The great sage and father of Vedic astrology, Parasara, linked Shri Saneeswara (Lord of Saturn) with Brahma, the creator.
In Roman mythology, Shri Saneeswara (Lord of Saturn) was related to agriculture and was of the same rank as Jupiter. His name was synonymous to sator (a sower) and to abundance. He was a working god and was associated with the riches of the earth. Shri Saneeswara (Lord of Saturn) is shown standing with a sickle in his hand, symbolic of agriculture and the earth’s riches. Shri Saneeswara (Lord of Saturn) was originally one of the Numina, the protector of the Sowers and the Seed
Shri Saneeswara (Lord of Saturn) is also the source of Saturday or Shri Saneeswara (Lord of Saturn)’s day. Translated, Saturday means Sabbath. It was considered a holy day, the day before the Sabbath. Shri Saneeswara (Lord of Saturn), as ruler of Capricorn, is associated with the year’s end. This is the time of Christmas and New Year’s celebrations, which also relates back to when the ancient Romans celebrated ‘Shri Saneeswara (Lord of Saturn)alia’, the festival of Shri Saneeswara (Lord of Saturn) and the winter solstice. Making New Year’s resolutions fits the theme of Shri Saneeswara (Lord of Saturn), where people vow to do things better, become more self-disciplined, set limits, etc.
It is said in esoteric teaching that Shri Saneeswara (Lord of Saturn) is the planet of discipleship. “A disciple is someone who learns by surrendering to Reality, who studies minute by minute everything that Shri Saneeswara (Lord of Saturn) has to teach be it bitter or sweet. True disciples attempt to control their own nature, that they may influence Shri Saneeswara (Lord of Saturn)’s influence on themselves.”
Shri Saneeswara (Lord of Saturn) is like the stern look of the guru. When you look into his eyes you see the mirror of your folly and your human creation. There can be fear in this experience, but if one let the transmutive fires of Shri Saneeswara (Lord of Saturn)’s gaze go through them, they will come out the other side free from the substance and the habit patterns and be a renewed person with brilliance and positiveness.
The key is to learn the lesson that Shri Saneeswara (Lord of Saturn) teaches and not repeat the behavior. It is imperative that you get wise and become conscious of the fact that what is delivered to your doorstep can’t be blamed on anyone else, that you have to throw out that part of yourself out of the subconscious. Otherwise, you will continue to weave a karmic web that you will eventually experience as fate or karma returning.
Shri Saneeswara (Lord of Saturn) can be your greatest friend in that he shows you the tangible results of your actions so that you can make corrections, serve your time and turn around and do it right the next time. The stern gaze of Shri Saneeswara (Lord of Saturn) is only stern to those who have something to fear, something to lose. That loss is the loss of their human creation, a creation that is not real in the first place and exists only in the sands of time and space.
And what could be more kind and loving than to have someone tell you what you are doing wrong. And since we are generally resistant to hearing what we have done wrong, Shri Saneeswara (Lord of Saturn) has the thankless task of delivering our karma to us in such a way that we experience what we have done to another in exactly the same way they felt and experienced it from us.
What a great guy, this Shri Saneeswara (Lord of Saturn). Because of him, we don’t have to worry about people getting away with anything. We don’t have to blame others or try to get even. Fortunately for us, he has does all that for us when he delivers back to people what they have sent out.
We have been taught that one of the masters who rules Shri Saneeswara (Lord of Saturn) is Maitreya, whose essence is loving kindness. Those who worship Maitreya find that underneath his stern but peaceful gaze is the most gentle and kind father a person could ever want.